What to do about Tricky Words

Some English words are hard to read because they don’t follow the rules. These tricky words might be irregularly spelled or vary in how they sound. They might be controlled by another letter (e.g., “bossy” r or l), contain silent letters (e.g., kn, mb, gh), or include...

The Critical Role of Phonological Sensitivity

You may have heard of the pre-reading skill phonological awareness, but do you know about its precursor, phonological sensitivity? Although both are sound-based, oral language skills that similarly support reading development, they are different. Phonological...

The Power in Teachers Thinking Aloud

Do you use think alouds in your literacy instruction? Decades of research have shown that helping students become strategic in their thinking improves how they learn. Although often confused, think alouds and modeling are not the same thing. Think alouds reveal how to...