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Writing the Write Way

In this blog-guide, we address the three critical and sequential steps in teaching and assessing writing. Of course, we could have been more granular and expanded the process to far more specific steps but have kept the process to three with further articulation...

Learn about CBMSkills this November

Join us for an introductory Webinar! Click here to sign-up Monday November 13th @ noon PT / 3p ET - OR - Tuesday November 14th @ 3p PT / 4p MT The developers of the easyCBM system, Behavioral Research and Teaching (BRT) at the University of Oregon, recently released a...

Oral Reading Fluency Research

Currently, teachers recognize the significance of fostering fluent reading skills for students, blending appropriate speed, accuracy, and expression in their reading. Although the link between reading fluency and comprehension is widely acknowledged, it's particularly...

Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Norms

The first study to be conducted establishing oral reading fluency (ORF) ‘norms’ occurred over 100 years ago. Specifically, in 1915, Starch asserted, “In every branch of instruction in the public schools we need a definite standard of attainment to be reached at the...

Finding and Fixing Writing Prompts

Given the plethora of writing prompts that are freely available on the internet, that is the best library for prompts . A simple search of the internet with the term “writing prompts” results in hundreds of sites offering a slew of them for students of all ages...